Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. Akční figurka Halfling Scout Dwynn Dellos

  • Kód: 143016
  • Přepravní hmotnost: 188kg
  • Výrobce: Boss Fight Studio
795 Kč
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Heroic and steadfast are not traits one ordinarily associates with a halfling. Dwynn, however, is no ordinary halfling. Fed up with the dull monotony of traditional halfling life from an early age, Dwynn jumped at the chance to set off with a band of traveling mercenaries. Keen observation skills and a natural ability to blend in quickly cement them as an invaluable member of the team. Scouting the way, Dwynn works tirelessly behind enemy lines collecting valuable combat intelligence.

Equipped with specialized elven daggers and an enchanted slingshot, Dwynn is ready for combat at a moment's notice should they be discovered.